Albert Einstein said that the measure of intelligence is given by the ability to change when necessary. This is what has been happening in the real estate market in recent months. What is changing? And why is it important to understand it?

For 15 years I have been working in the real estate market and for 5 I have specialized in home staging, the art and strategy of real estate marketing thanks to which it is possible to achieve excellent results in terms of both sales and extra-hotel rentals. Understanding the real estate market in advance and intercepting its addresses is essential! I’ll explain you why.

Because the health emergency we are experiencing in 2020 has profoundly changed the target of buyers! And therefore real estate development must be modulated accordingly.

As a purely international one (American, Canadian, Israeli), the market for second and third homes in Umbria and Tuscany has seen in recent months a significant return of Italians, increasingly looking for a home in the countryside in which to spend time every time it is possible or even to move and then work in smart working.

The needs change according to the health situation and Italian real estate market rediscovered itself particularly sparkling, with Umbria and Tuscany leading the way in the sector and the need for an increasingly strong property to emerge on the market, distinguish itself from competitors, attract potential buyers on the web, generate flows of contacts and visits that then translate into purchase proposals and sales.

In my sector, that of luxury home staging dedicated to country villas and farmhouses, in Umbria and Tuscany, it was essential and rewarding to adapt the strategies and my settings to this clear change of target and scenario, creating home staging projects with a transversal breath, specifically designed for both national and international market, in particular Northern Europe.

And together with my luxury home staging my professional training also changes and grows, to offer my customers an increasingly performing service!

Eletta Home Staging is the 1st and only luxury home staging reality in Umbria and Tuscany.


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